Saturday, July 5, 2014

Transitioning to a Healthy Vegan Life

I have been slowly transitioning to a vegan lifestyle since May.  There have been some up's and down's and some setbacks, but for the most part I have cut out all meat, eggs, and dairy.  I have not ate any of these in their "pure" form since then for the most part.  The most difficult thing is cutting out the foods that may contain the dairy or eggs.  I've been getting better at reading the food labels and checking ingredients, but some times there are ingredients that are snuck in the food that you wouldn't expect.  

I have also joined a CSA, so I am getting exposed to new vegetables and recipes.  You would think by signing up for a mini share I would use up the vegetables quickly, but it's huge!  This week I got a head of lettuce, Swiss Chard, 4 yellow squash, 1 green bell pepper, 2 heads of broccoli, 2 beets, and 2 cucumbers.  This is on top of the vegetables that I wasn't able to finish last week.  So, I am trying to use it all up or freeze it before it goes bad.  It is forcing me to eat healthier though.  Tomorrow I am going to try and make turnip and kohlrabi chips to use of those and have something good to snack on at work next week.  

I'm planning on using this blog to track my transition to a vegan lifestyle, as well as post some recipes that are successful.  Please feel free to join me on this journey!